Research Group Mosquito-Virus-Interactions

Research Group Mosquito-Virus-Interactions

AG Mücken-Virus-Interaktion: Die Gruppe steht in einem gläsernden Übergang und schaut in die Kamera.


My group works on arthropod-borne viruses (Arboviruses) that are transmitted by biting arthropods (e.g. mosquitoes, ticks and midges) to mammals (including humans) and can cause severe disease. The main focus is on mosquito-transmitted viruses, but we also have projects on tick and midges transmitted viruses.

The research focus of my group is the study of the complex arbovirus-host-vector interactions, specifically the (molecular) mechanisms that control vector competence and the factors that affect arbovirus infection in vertebrates. This knowledge is used to develop new methods for vector control and thereby reduce the transmission of these viruses to humans and animals.

Research Group Mosquito-Virus-Interactions

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