BNITM Alumni Week 2018
Report of the 1st Alumni Symposium, June 25-29
On 25-29 June, BNITM Alumni from across the world came together to debate and discuss BIG QUESTIONS at the first Alumni Symposium at the BNITM in Hamburg.
During the alumni week we looked beyond our professional expertise and reflected on some of the most controversial issues affecting the world today:
Genome editing, climate change, edible insects as alternative food source, population growth, global epidemic threats, war and peace. Inspirational talks blended into insightful discussions and debates.
Apart from the basic idea of discussing and debating BIG QUESTIONS, the event also offered the opportunities for BNITM Alumni to meet former colleagues and friends at the Institute and engage in current projects.

Pitfalls in Epidemiology” (presentation by Prof. J May, Alumni Day, June 29, 2018)
We would like to thank all Alumni for their participation and their valuable contributions to the Symposium that were central to make the Alumni event a success. We appreciate all the nice and constructive feedback they provided and hope to meet again soon at future Alumni events.
Since this year’s Alumni event was about global issues that affect the life of all humans we would like to finish this summary with a climate-related quote:
“Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are alive at a critical moment in the history of our planet. ” - Carl Sagan, scientist
BNITM Alumni Team
Presentations have been uploaded on the Alumni Forum site and can be accessed by registered Alumni at any time.
Dr. Eleonora Schönherr
Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon : +49 40 285380-269
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