Happy Anniversary
April the 18th marks the 5-year anniversary of the very first MBC baby. Turning five completes the follow-up period of a comprehensive study that began with the recruitment of pregnant women, tracking their children from birth through vaccination visits, annual check-ups, and in cases of fever. As a farewell packet and “special treat” for the children, they were gifted a T-shirt and the mothers a one-year extension of their health insurance. Mothers and T11 children were invited for a photo shoot and community gathering.

June 05.-08.
Last week, the ASAAP annual meeting was held in Cotonou, Benin, bringing together study teams from Benin (IRCB), Burkina Faso (INSTech), France (IRD, UPD), Gabon (CERMEL), Germany (BNITM), Ghana (KCCR/KNUST) and Mali (MRTC/USTTB) to discuss the current status of the project before entering its final phase of recruitment. The EDCTP-funded clinical trial is investigating the efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) in combination with atovaquone-proguanil (AP), a triple therapy for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in African children.