Paving the way for pediatric praziquantel accessibility in Madagascar – PEPRAMA

Madagascar is one of the poorest non-conflict countries worldwide with a weak health system. It is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of schistosomiasis worldwide. In Madagascar, 6.8 million people need treatment for the disease. Treatment is generally distributed through school-based mass drug administrations (MDA) hence children under 5 are typically not treated. PEPRAMA has the objective to pave the way for a successful strategy for pre-school aged children management of schistosomiasis, and will ultimately lead to an overall improvement of children’s health, their development, and greater opportunities for them to escape the vicious circle of poverty.



University of Fianarantsoa, University of Mahajnaga, Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Merieux (CICM)


@BNITM Dewi Ismajani Puradiredja



Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung


December 2021 - June 2023 (18 months)

Eine Gruppe Pfleger:innen stehen um einen kleinen Tisch und besprechen Unterlagen, die auf dem Tisch liegen. Im Hintergrund sieht man wartende Patient:innen. Alle Personen tragen eine Nasen-Mund-Bedeckung.
PEPRAMA project - Primary health care center in Fianarantsoa where PEPRAMA will be implemented.   ©BNITM l Daniela Fusco

Laborgruppe Fusco

Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.: eine Forscherin vor dunklen roten Backstein Hintergrund, die ihre blonden schulterlangen Haar offen trägt.
Abteilung Infektionsepidemiologie

Ph.D. Daniela Fusco

Telefon: +49 40 285380 18-504


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