Publikationen Population 2020-2022
Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
Coro, F., D. Fusco, and V. Mangano. 2022. 'Medical laboratories and in vitro disgnostic in rural and remote areas ...' in A. Ahluwalia, C. de Maria, L. Pecchia and S. Severi (eds.), Bioengineerung for sustainable development (Patron Editore).
Sikulu-Lord, Maggy, and Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas. 2022. 'Application of Infrared Techniques for Characterisation of Vector-Borne Disease Vectors.' in, Infrared Spectroscopy - Perspectives and Applications [Working Title].
Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Agboli, E., A. Tomazatos, O. Maiga-Ascofare, J. May, R. Luhken, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, and H. Jost. 2022. 'Arbovirus Epidemiology: The Mystery of Unnoticed Epidemics in Ghana, West Africa', Microorganisms, 10.
Akenten, C. W., F. Weinreich, E. K. Paintsil, J. Amuasi, D. Fosu, U. Loderstadt, J. May, H. Frickmann, and D. Dekker. 2022. 'Intestinal Helminth Infections in Ghanaian Children from the Ashanti Region between 2007 and 2008-A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Real-Time PCR-Based Assessment', Trop Med Infect Dis, 7.
Antimicrobial Resistance, Collaborators. Christopher Jl Murray, Kevin Shunji Ikuta, Fablina Sharara, Lucien Swetschinski, Gisela Robles Aguilar, Authia Gray, Chieh Han, Catherine Bisignano, Puja Rao, Eve Wool, Sarah C Johnson, Annie J Browne, Michael Give Chipeta, Frederick Fell, Sean Hackett, Georgina Haines-Woodhouse, Bahar H Kashef Hamadani, Emmanuelle A P Kumaran, Barney McManigal, Ramesh Agarwal, Samuel Akech, Samuel Albertson, John Amuasi, Jason Andrews, Aleskandr Aravkin, Elizabeth Ashley, Freddie Bailey, Stephen Baker, Buddha Basnyat, Adrie Bekker, Rose Bender, Adhisivam Bethou, Julia Bielicki, Suppawat Boonkasidecha, James Bukosia, Cristina Carvalheiro, Carlos Castañeda-Orjuela, Vilada Chansamouth, Suman Chaurasia, Sara Chiurchiù, Fazle Chowdhury, Aislinn J Cook, Ben Cooper, Tim R Cressey, Elia Criollo-Mora, Matthew Cunningham, Saffiatou Darboe, Nicholas P J Day, Maia De Luca, Klara Dokova, Angela Dramowski, Susanna J Dunachie, Tim Eckmanns, Daniel Eibach, Amir Emami, Nicholas Feasey, Natasha Fisher-Pearson, Karen Forrest, Denise Garrett, Petra Gastmeier, Ababi Zergaw Giref, Rachel Claire Greer, Vikas Gupta, Sebastian Haller, Andrea Haselbeck, Simon I Hay, Marianne Holm, Susan Hopkins, Kenneth C Iregbu, Jan Jacobs, Daniel Jarovsky, Fatemeh Javanmardi, Meera Khorana, Niranjan Kissoon, Elsa Kobeissi, Tomislav Kostyanev, Fiorella Krapp, Ralf Krumkamp, Ajay Kumar, Hmwe Hmwe Kyu, Cherry Lim, Direk Limmathurotsakul, Michael James Loftus, Miles Lunn, Jianing Ma, Neema Mturi, Tatiana Munera-Huertas, Patrick Musicha, Marisa Marcia Mussi-Pinhata, Tomoka Nakamura, Ruchi Nanavati, Sushma Nangia, Paul Newton, Chanpheaktra Ngoun, Amanda Novotney, Davis Nwakanma, Christina W Obiero, Antonio Olivas-Martinez, Piero Olliaro, Ednah Ooko, Edgar Ortiz-Brizuela, Anton Yariv Peleg, Carlo Perrone, Nishad Plakkal, Alfredo Ponce-de-Leon, Mathieu Raad, Tanusha Ramdin, Amy Riddell, Tamalee Roberts, Julie Victoria Robotham, Anna Roca, Kristina E Rudd, Neal Russell, Jesse Schnall, John Anthony Gerard Scott, Madhusudhan Shivamallappa, Jose Sifuentes-Osornio, Nicolas Steenkeste, Andrew James Stewardson, Temenuga Stoeva, Nidanuch Tasak, Areerat Thaiprakong, Guy Thwaites, Claudia Turner, Paul Turner, H Rogier van Doorn, Sithembiso Velaphi, Avina Vongpradith, Huong Vu, Timothy Walsh, Seymour Waner, Tri Wangrangsimakul, Teresa Wozniak, Peng Zheng, Benn Sartorius, Alan D Lopez, Andy Stergachis, Catrin Moore, Christiane Dolecek, Mohsen Naghavi. 2022. 'Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis', Lancet, 399: 629-55.
Bassat, Q., O. Maiga-Ascofare, J. May, J. Clain, G. Mombo-Ngoma, M. Groger, A. A. Adegnika, J. D. Agobe, A. Djimde, J. Mischlinger, M. Ramharter, Asaap, and Consortia Multimal. 2022. 'Challenges in the clinical development pathway for triple and multiple drug combinations in the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria', Malar J, 21: 61.
Becker, N., S. M. Langentepe-Kong, A. Tokatlian Rodriguez, T. T. Oo, D. Reichle, R. Luhken, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, P. Luthy, A. Puggioli, and R. Bellini. 2022. 'Integrated control of Aedes albopictus in Southwest Germany supported by the Sterile Insect Technique', Parasit Vectors, 15: 9.
Bezerra, M. F., L. C. Amorim Silva, E. Silva R. Pessoa, G. Lino, S. F. Zimmer Dezordi, G. Barbosa de Lima, R. Emidio de Lima, T. L. Campos, C. Docena, A. Bruno de Oliveira, M. Galdino da Rocha Pitta, F. de Assis da Silva Santos, M. Pereira, G. L. Wallau, and M. H. Santos Paiva. 2023. 'Real-life evaluation of a rapid antigen test (DPP(R) SARS-CoV-2 antigen) for COVID-19 diagnosis of primary healthcare patients, in the context of the omicron-dominant wave in Brazil', Clin Microbiol Infect, 29: 392 e1-e392 e5. Epub 20221111.
Blessmann, J., S. Hanlodsomphou, B. Santisouk, R. Krumkamp, B. Kreuels, A. K. Ismail, M. Y. Yong, K. Y. Tan, and C. H. Tan. 2023. 'Experience of using expired lyophilized snake antivenom during a medical emergency situation in Lao People's Democratic Republic - a possible untapped resource to tackle antivenom shortage in Southeast Asia', Trop Med Int Health, 28: 64-70. Epub 20221123.
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Brattig, N. W., R. A. Cheke, J. B. Davies, R. Lühken, and A. Krüger. 2022. 'Prof. Rolf Garms', The Simuliid Bulletin, 58: 6-21.
Cadar, D., and Y. Simonin. 2022. 'Human Usutu Virus Infections in Europe: A New Risk on Horizon?', Viruses, 15.
Camprubi-Ferrer, D., J. A. Oteo, E. Bottieau, B. Genton, L. Balerdi-Sarasola, A. Portillo, L. Cobuccio, S. Van Den Broucke, S. Santibanez, D. Cadar, N. Rodriguez-Valero, A. Almuedo-Riera, C. Subira, V. d'Acremont, M. J. Martinez, M. Roldan, J. Navero-Castillejos, M. Van Esbroeck, and J. Munoz. 2023. 'Doxycycline responding illnesses in returning travellers with undifferentiated non-malaria fever: a european multicenter prospective cohort study', J Travel Med, 30. Epub 20220806.
Camprubi-Ferrer, D., L. Cobuccio, S. Van Den Broucke, B. Genton, E. Bottieau, V. d'Acremont, N. Rodriguez-Valero, A. Almuedo-Riera, L. Balerdi-Sarasola, C. Subira, M. Fernandez-Pardos, M. J. Martinez, J. Navero-Castillejos, I. Vera, J. Llenas-Garcia, C. Rothe, D. Cadar, M. Van Esbroeck, N. Foque, and J. Munoz. 2022. 'Causes of fever in returning travelers: a European multicenter prospective cohort study', J Travel Med, 29.
Colston, J. M., B. F. Zaitchik, H. S. Badr, E. Burnett, S. A. Ali, A. Rayamajhi, S. M. Satter, D. Eibach, R. Krumkamp, J. May, R. Chilengi, L. M. Howard, S. O. Sow, M. Jahangir Hossain, D. Saha, M. Imran Nisar, A. K. M. Zaidi, S. Kanungo, I. Mandomando, A. S. G. Faruque, K. L. Kotloff, M. M. Levine, R. F. Breiman, R. Omore, N. Page, J. A. Platts-Mills, U. Ashorn, Y. M. Fan, P. S. Shrestha, T. Ahmed, E. Mduma, P. P. Yori, Z. Bhutta, P. Bessong, M. P. Olortegui, A. A. M. Lima, G. Kang, J. Humphrey, A. J. Prendergast, R. Ntozini, K. Okada, W. Wongboot, J. Gaensbauer, M. T. Melgar, T. Pelkonen, C. M. Freitas, and M. N. Kosek. 2022. 'Associations Between Eight Earth Observation-Derived Climate Variables and Enteropathogen Infection: An Independent Participant Data Meta-Analysis of Surveillance Studies With Broad Spectrum Nucleic Acid Diagnostics', Geohealth, 6: e2021GH000452.
Cordovana, M., N. Mauder, O. Join-Lambert, F. Gravey, S. LeHello, M. Auzou, M. Pitti, S. Zoppi, M. Buhl, J. Steinmann, H. Frickmann, D. Dekker, Y. Funashima, Z. Nagasawa, J. Soki, L. Orosz, A. C. Veloo, U. S. Justesen, H. M. Holt, A. Liberatore, S. Ambretti, S. Pongolini, L. Soliani, A. Wille, S. Rojak, R. M. Hagen, J. May, A. B. Pranada, and M. Kostrzewa. 2022. 'Machine learning-based typing of Salmonella enterica O-serogroups by the Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy-based IR Biotyper system', J Microbiol Methods: 106564.
Dantas, E. S., R. Gurgel-Goncalves, R. Maciel-de-Freitas, and F. A. Monteiro. 2022. 'Simultaneous external and internal marking of Triatoma sordida nymphs: trace element efficacy and microgeographic dispersal in a peridomestic Brazilian Cerrado rural household', Parasit Vectors, 15: 325.
Deschermeier, C., C. Ehmen, R. von Possel, C. Murawski, B. Rushton, J. Amuasi, N. Sarpong, O. Maiga-Ascofare, R. Rakotozandrindrainy, D. Asogun, Y. Ighodalo, L. Oestereich, S. Duraffour, M. Pahlmann, and P. Emmerich. 2022. 'Fcgamma-Receptor-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Sensitive, Specific, and Persistent Detection of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein IgG Antibodies in Human Sera', J Clin Microbiol: e0007522.
Ejo, M., G. Torrea, E. Diro, A. Abebe, M. Kassa, Y. Girma, E. Tesfa, K. Ejigu, C. Uwizeye, F. Gehre, B. C. de Jong, and L. Rigouts. 2023. 'Strain Diversity and Gene Mutations Associated with Presumptive Multidrug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Isolates in Northwest Ethiopia', J Glob Antimicrob Resist, 32: 167-175. Epub 20221202.
Faye, S. L. B., R. Krumkamp, S. Doumbia, M. Tounkara, R. Strauss, H. G. Ouedraogo, T. Sagna, A. M. Barry, A. K. Mbawah, C. O. Doumbia, S. Diouf, K. Cisse, M. Harding, P. Donven, J. May, D. I. Puradiredja, D. Fusco, and Aches consortium. 2022. 'Factors influencing hesitancy towards adult and child COVID-19 vaccines in rural and urban West Africa: a cross-sectional study', BMJ Open, 12: e059138.
Frank, C., J. Schmidt-Chanasit, U. Ziegler, R. Lachmann, K. Preussel, and R. Offergeld. 2022. 'West Nile Virus in Germany: An Emerging Infection and Its Relevance for Transfusion Safety', Transfus Med Hemother, 49: 192-204.
Fuesslin, V., S. Krautwurst, A. Srivastava, D. Winter, B. Liedigk, T. Thye, S. Herrera-Leon, S. Wohl, J. May, J. N. Fobil, D. Eibach, M. Marz, and K. Schuldt. 2022. 'Prediction of Antibiotic Susceptibility Profiles of Vibrio cholerae Isolates From Whole Genome Illumina and Nanopore Sequencing Data: CholerAegon', Front Microbiol, 13: 909692.
Fusco, D., G. Z. Martinez-Perez, A. Remkes, A. M. De Pascali, M. Ortalli, S. Varani, and A. Scagliarini. 2022. 'A sex and gender perspective for neglected zoonotic diseases', Front Microbiol, 13: 1031683.
Fynmore, N., R. Luhken, K. Kliemke, U. Lange, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, P. W. W. Lurz, and N. Becker. 2022. 'Honey-baited FTA cards in box gravid traps for the assessment of Usutu virus circulation in mosquito populations in Germany', Acta Trop: 106649.
Garcia, G. A., A. R. Lord, L. M. B. Santos, T. N. Kariyawasam, M. R. David, D. Couto-Lima, A. Tatila-Ferreira, M. G. Pavan, M. T. Sikulu-Lord, and R. Maciel-de-Freitas. 2022. 'Rapid and Non-Invasive Detection of Aedes aegypti Co-Infected with Zika and Dengue Viruses Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy', Viruses, 15.
Garcia, Gabriela A., Tharanga N. Kariyawasam, Anton R. Lord, Cristiano Fernandes da Costa, Lana Bitencourt Chaves, Josué da Costa Lima-Junior, Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas, Maggy T. Sikulu-Lord, and Richard Stanton. 2022. 'Malaria absorption peaks acquired through the skin of patients with infrared light can detect patients with varying parasitemia', PNAS Nexus, 1: pgac272.
Gehre, F., H. Lagu, E. Achol, N. Omari, G. Ochido, S. Duraffour, J. Hinzmann, E. Kezakarayagwa, F. Kabatesi, A. Nkeshimana, J. Nyandwi, D. D. Samson, G. A. Nykwec, M. L. Lokore, L. L. Deng, M. E. Kelly, P. B. M. Mkama, A. Magesa, M. Beyanga, A. Roba, M. Ndia, P. Lokamar, J. Kiiru, A. Kabanda, I. Mukagatare, E. Kabalisa, R. Rutayisire, I. Sewanyana, E. J. Nambozo, T. Muyigi, G. Pimundu, J. May, M. Katende, S. Nabadda, E. Nzeyimana, and M. Affara. 2022. 'The East African Community's mobile laboratory network's rapid response during the first 2 weeks of the Ebola Sudan virus disease (SVD) outbreak in Uganda and pandemic preparedness activities in South Sudan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya', BMJ Glob Health, 7: e011073.
Hein, W., L. M. Aglanu, M. Mensah-Sekyere, A. Harant, J. Brinkel, M. Lamshoft, E. Lorenz, D. Eibach, and J. Amuasi. 2022. 'Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance: Development and Implementation of the Ghanaian National Action Plan (2017-2021)', Antibiotics (Basel), 11.
Heinemann, M., L. Kleinjohann, T. Rolling, D. Winter, N. Hackbarth, M. Ramharter, M. Addo, D. Eibach, R. O. Phillips, A. Owusu-Ofori, and C. D. Vinnemeier. 2023. 'Impact of antibiotic intake on incidence of extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Enterobacterales in sub-Saharan Africa - results from a community-based longitudinal study', Clin Microbiol Infect, 29: 340-45. Epub 20220920.
Jansen, S., R. Luhken, M. Helms, B. Pluskota, W. P. Pfitzner, S. Oerther, N. Becker, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, and A. Heitmann. 2022. 'Vector Competence of Mosquitoes from Germany for Sindbis Virus', Viruses, 14.
Kanyala, E., Y. A. Shuaib, N. G. Schwarz, S. Andres, E. Richter, B. Sawadogo, M. Sawadogo, M. Germaine, O. Lassina, S. Poppert, and H. Frickmann. 2022. 'Prevalence and Molecular Characterization of Mycobacterium bovis in Slaughtered Cattle Carcasses in Burkina Faso; West Africa', Microorganisms, 10.
Krumkamp, R., F. J. Conraths, S. Caccio, G. Schares, B. Hogan, D. Winter, A. Jaeger, S. Melhem, N. Rakotozandrindrainy, J. May, R. Rakotozandrindrainy, and D. Eibach. 2022. 'Clustering of Cryptosporidium species infections among sheep and cattle but not children in remote highland communities of Madagascar', Parasit Vectors, 15: 304.
Leandro, A. S., M. J. C. Ayala, R. D. Lopes, C. A. Martins, R. Maciel-de-Freitas, and D. A. M. Villela. 2022. 'Entomo-Virological Aedes aegypti Surveillance Applied for Prediction of Dengue Transmission: A Spatio-Temporal Modeling Study', Pathogens, 12.
Leandro, A. S., W. A. C. de Castro, R. D. Lopes, R. M. Delai, D. A. M. Villela, and R. M. de-Freitas. 2022. 'Citywide Integrated Aedes aegypti Mosquito Surveillance as Early Warning System for Arbovirus Transmission, Brazil', Emerg Infect Dis, 28: 701-06.
Mackenzie, G. A., I. Osei, R. Salaudeen, O. Secka, U. D'Alessandro, E. Clarke, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, P. V. Licciardi, C. Nguyen, B. Greenwood, and K. Mulholland. 2022. 'Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination schedules in infants-acquisition, immunogenicity, and pneumococcal conjugate and yellow fever vaccine co-administration study', Trials, 23: 39.
Marrazzo, P., N. Fischer, C. Nastasi, M. Cricca, and D. Fusco. 2022. 'Host-Pathogen Interactions: Organotypic Cultures to Unravel the Mysteries of the Primordial Hostility among Organisms', Pathogens, 11.
Menegon, M., A. Tomazatos, F. Severini, D. A. Raele, T. Lilja, D. Werner, D. Boccolini, L. Toma, I. Vasco, R. Luhken, H. Kampen, M. A. Cafiero, and M. Di Luca. 2022. 'Molecular Characterization of Anopheles algeriensis Theobald, 1903 (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations from Europe', Pathogens, 11.
Miguel Ángel, Miranda, Barceló Carlos, Arnoldi Daniele, Augsten Xenia, Bakran-Lebl Karin, Balatsos George, Bengoa Mikel, Bindler Philippe, Boršová Kristina, Bourquia Maria, Bravo-Barriga Daniel, Čabanová Viktória, Caputo Beniamino, Christou Maria, Delacour Sarah, Eritja Roger, Fassi-Fihri Ouafaa, Ferraguti Martina, Flacio Eleonora, Frontera Eva, Fuehrer Hans-Peter, García-Pérez Ana L., Georgiades Pantelis, Gewehr Sandra, Goiri Fátima, González Mikel Alexander, Gschwind Martin, Gutiérrez-López Rafael, Horváth Cintia, Ibáñez-Justicia Adolfo, Jani Viola, Kadriaj Përparim, Kalan Katja, Kavran Mihaela, Klobucar Ana, Kurucz Kornélia, Lucientes Javier, Lühken Renke, Magallanes Sergio, Marini Giovanni, Martinou Angeliki F., Michelutti Alice, Mihalca Andrei Daniel, Montalvo Tomás, Montarsi Fabrizio, Mourelatos Spiros, Muja-Bajraktari Nesade, Müller Pie, Notarides Gregoris, Osório Hugo Costa, Oteo José A., Oter Kerem, Pajović Igor, Palmer John R. B., Petrinic Suncica, Răileanu Cristian, Ries Christian, Rogozi Elton, Ruiz-Arrondo Ignacio, Sanpera-Calbet Isis, Sekulić Nebojša, Sevim Kivanc, Sherifi Kurtesh, Silaghi Cornelia, Silva Manuel, Sokolovska Nikolina, Soltész Zoltán, Sulesco Tatiana, Šušnjar Jana, Teekema Steffanie, Valsecchi Andrea, Vasquez Marlen Ines, Velo Enkelejda, Michaelakis Antonios, Wint William, Petrić Dušan, Schaffner Francis, della Torre Alessandra, and undefined undefined. 2022. 'AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of <italic>Aedes</italic> invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases', Gigabyte, 2022: 0.
Menegon, M., A. Tomazatos, F. Severini, D. A. Raele, T. Lilja, D. Werner, D. Boccolini, L. Toma, I. Vasco, R. Luhken, H. Kampen, M. A. Cafiero, and M. Di Luca. 2022. 'Molecular Characterization of Anopheles algeriensis Theobald, 1903 (Diptera: Culicidae) Populations from Europe', Pathogens, 11.
Moirongo, R. M., L. M. Aglanu, M. Lamshoft, B. O. Adero, S. Yator, S. Anyona, J. May, E. Lorenz, and D. Eibach. 2022. 'Laboratory-based surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in regions of Kenya: An assessment of capacities, practices, and barriers by means of multi-facility survey', Front Public Health, 10: 1003178.
Oestereich, L., S. Wurr, B. Becker-Ziaja, S. Bockholt, M. Pahlmann, D. Cadar, B. M. Kummerer, S. Gunther, and R. Kerber. 2022. 'Establishment of Recombinant Trisegmented Mopeia Virus Expressing Two Reporter Genes for Screening of Mammarenavirus Inhibitors', Viruses, 14.
Okoi, C., S. T. Anderson, S. Mulwa, A. Worwui, M. Antonio, F. Gehre, and I. Adetifa. 2022. 'Pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacteria in colonisation and disease in The Gambia', Sci Rep, 12: 19523.
Paintsil, E. K., L. A. Ofori, S. Adobea, C. W. Akenten, R. O. Phillips, O. Maiga-Ascofare, M. Lamshoft, J. May, K. Obiri Danso, R. Krumkamp, and D. Dekker. 2022. 'Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance in Campylobacter spp. Isolated from Humans and Food-Producing Animals in West Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Pathogens, 11.
Paintsil, E. K., L. A. Ofori, C. W. Akenten, A. E. Zautner, J. Mbwana, A. Jaeger, M. Lamshoft, J. May, K. Obiri-Danso, R. O. Philipps, R. Krumkamp, and D. Dekker. 2022. 'Antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni in commercial and smallholder farm animals in the Asante Akim North Municipality of Ghana', Front Microbiol, 13: 983047.
Pankok, F., S. Taudien, D. Dekker, T. Thye, K. Oppong, C. Wiafe Akenten, M. Lamshoft, A. Jaeger, M. Kaase, S. Scheithauer, K. Tanida, H. Frickmann, J. May, and U. Loderstadt. 2022. 'Epidemiology of Plasmids in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae with Acquired Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Genes Isolated from Chronic Wounds in Ghana', Antibiotics (Basel), 11.
Puradiredja*, D. I., L. Kintu-Sempa*, C. Eyber, R. Weigel, B. Broucker, M. Lindkvist, N. Casamitjana, R. Reynolds, H. F. Klinkel, A. Matteelli, and G. Froeschl. 2022. 'Adapting teaching and learning in times of COVID-19: a comparative assessment among higher education institutions in a global health network in 2020', BMC Med Educ, 22: 507. *contributed equally
Ramos, L. F. C., M. Martins, J. R. Murillo, G. B. Domont, D. M. P. de Oliveira, F. C. S. Nogueira, R. Maciel-de-Freitas, and M. Junqueira. 2022. 'Interspecies Isobaric Labeling-Based Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Protein Changes in the Ovary of Aedes aegypti Coinfected With ZIKV and Wolbachia', Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 12: 900608.
Rehn, T., P. Lubiana, T. H. T. Nguyen, E. Pansegrau, M. Schmitt, L. K. Roth, J. Brehmer, T. Roeder, D. Cadar, N. G. Metwally, and I. Bruchhaus. 2022. 'Ectopic Expression of Plasmodium vivax vir Genes in P. falciparum Affects Cytoadhesion via Increased Expression of Specific var Genes', Microorganisms, 10.
Salvato, R. S., M. L. Rodrigues Ikeda, R. B. Barcellos, F. M. Godinho, P. Sesterheim, L. C. B. Bitencourt, T. S. Gregianini, A. B. Gorini da Veiga, F. R. Spilki, and G. L. Wallau. 2022. 'Possible Occupational Infection of Healthcare Workers with Monkeypox Virus, Brazil', Emerg Infect Dis, 28: 2520-23.
Sauer, F. G., E. Kiel, and R. Luhken. 2022. 'Effects of mosquito resting site temperatures on the estimation of pathogen development rates in near-natural habitats in Germany', Parasit Vectors, 15: 390.
Sauer, F. G., E. Timmermann, U. Lange, R. Luhken, and E. Kiel. 2022. 'Effects of Hibernation Site, Temperature, and Humidity on the Abundance and Survival of Overwintering Culex pipiens pipiens and Anopheles messeae (Diptera: Culicidae)', J Med Entomol, 59: 2013-2021.
Schmidt-Chanasit, J., E. Agboli, and H. Jost. 2022. 'Special Issue "Mosquito-Borne Virus Ecology"', Viruses, 14.
Struck, N. S., E. Lorenz, C. Deschermeier, D. Eibach, J. Kettenbeil, W. Loag, S. A. Brieger, A. M. Ginsbach, C. Obirikorang, O. Maiga-Ascofare, Y. A. Sarkodie, E. E. A. Boham, E. A. Adu, G. Asare, A. Amoako-Adusei, A. Yawson, A. O. Boakye, J. Deke, N. S. Almoustapha, L. Adu-Amoah, I. K. Duah, T. A. Ouedraogo, V. Boudo, B. Rushton, C. Ehmen, D. Fusco, L. Gunga, D. Benke, Y. Hoppner, Z. T. Rasolojaona, T. Rasamoelina, R. A. Rakotoarivelo, R. Rakotozandrindrainy, B. Coulibaly, A. Sie, A. A. Awuah, J. H. Amuasi, A. Souares, and J. May. 2022. 'High seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Burkina-Faso, Ghana and Madagascar in 2021: a population-based study', BMC Public Health, 22: 1676.
Tchibozo, C., G. Hounkanrin, A. Yadouleton, A. Bialonski, E. Agboli, R. Luhken, J. Schmidt-Chanasit, and H. Jost. 2022. 'Surveillance of arthropod-borne viruses in Benin, West Africa 2020-2021: detection of dengue virus 3 in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)', Mil Med Res, 9: 64.
Tichkule, S., S. M. Caccio, G. Robinson, R. M. Chalmers, I. Mueller, S. J. Emery-Corbin, D. Eibach, K. M. Tyler, C. van Oosterhout, and A. R. Jex. 2022. 'Global population genomics of two subspecies of Cryptosporidium hominis during 500 years of evolution', Mol Biol Evol, 39.
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