Preclinical Models Research Group Rodríguez

Preclinical Models Research Group Rodríguez

Eine schematische Übersicht über die unterschiedlichen  Forschungsfelder der Gruppe, die beispielsweise Gelbfieber und CoV-2 beinhalten und in Hinblick auf Impfstrategien, Therapien nach Infektion und Pandemievorbeugung erforschen.
Eine Gruppe Forscher im Garten, die in Richtung Bildbetrachter schauen.


Preclinical models are necessary to evaluate new therapeutic strategies against emerging infections. Besides, they can be used to understand pathogenesis and immune response to these infections. In our lab, we use different small animal models to understand the pathogenesis of emerging viral infections. Our current focus is the recently emerged coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. SARS-CoV-2 is the causing agent of COVID19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019), a severe acute respiratory syndrome responsible for an unprecedent pandemic of the 21st century.
We mainly work with humanized models engrafted with human immune cells, human tissues (i.e. Liver) or expressing human receptors (i.e. ACE2).

Preclinical Models Research Group Rodríguez

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