The BNITM houses the National Reference Center for Tropical Infectious Pathogens (NRC), appointed by the Robert Koch Institute on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Health.
The NRC develops special diagnostic procedures for typical tropical and unusual pathogens and provides highly specialized serological, molecular biological, microscopic and cell culture-based diagnostics. Here, fine typing of pathogens and special investigations to clarify epidemiological relationships are also carried out. The NRZ is actively involved in surveillance projects and outbreak investigations.
The NCZ offers the following laboratory services:
- Serological evidence of acute, chronic or past infections (ELISA, IHA, IFAT, immunoblot)
Direct detection of pathogens in body fluids and excretions, biopsies, tissue sections or tissue blocks (microscopic and molecular-biological detection methods, special virological and rickettsiological cultivation methods) In the case of special diagnostic requirements, a telephone consultation with the laboratory is recommended. For differential diagnoses, as precise information as possible on the country of origin, travel route, symptoms, concomitant diseases, previous findings, etc. is required. Please use the laboratory diagnostics return slip. Please note the information on sending medical samples.
In the case of special diagnostic requirements, a telephone consultation with the laboratory is recommended. For differential diagnoses, as precise information as possible on the country of origin, travel route, symptoms, concomitant diseases, previous findings, etc. is required. Please use the laboratory examination orders (only in German). Please note the information on sending medical samples.
The NRC also advises the public health service, laboratories, resident doctors, clinics and research institutes on questions of diagnostics of tropical infections, in particular on examination procedures and material transport as well as on the evaluation of serological, molecular biological and microscopic findings.

- Prof. Dr Dennis Tappe
- phone: +49 40 285380-499
- fax: +49 40 285380-252
- email: tappe@bnitm.de
Sample shipment
- Central Laboratory Diagnostics for physicians
- phone: +49 40 285380-0
- fax: +49 40 285380-252
- email: labordiagnostik@bnitm.de