Flow cytometry
The Flow Cytometry service unit offers measurement methods that allow cells to be analyzed at high speed. Characteristics such as shape, structure or staining of the cells are used, from which the original properties of the cell can be derived. After instruction in the equipment by the technical staff of the service unit, the flow cytometers can be used for preparative and analytical procedures. In addition to assistance with problems, the service unit also offers prior methodological advice.

Flow Cytometer
- Cytek Aurora (Laser: 355 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm; 64 channels)
- FACS LSRII (Laser: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 633nm; 13 channels)
- Accuri C6 (Laser: 488nm, 633nm; 4 channels)
- FACS Aria IIIu (Laser: 635nm, 488nm, 531nm; 8 channels)
- Fortessa (Laser: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 633nm; 18 channels). Use after consultation and introduction by AG Addo: Monika Friedrich (phone -801)
BNITM scientists have access to the existing flow cytometry equipment and are supported in all methodological and technical issues.
In detail:
- FACS measurements with Cytek AURORA, FACS LSRII, Accuri and Fortessa are possible independently after prior training and instruction.
- Cell sorting on FACSAria IIIu is performed by Ms Ulricke Richardt or Ms Christiane Steeg.
- Registration for use: Individual devices can be booked directly via the online booking system.
- Data backup: All users are responsible for their own data. The FACS service unit provides a hard drive with 4 TB storage capacity for temporary storage. Old data is deleted on a regular base.
Room- und phonenumber
Cytek Aurora room Nr. 2.4.07 new building phone -853
FACS LSRII room Nr. 2.4.04 new building phone -864
FACS Aria III room Nr. 2.4.04 new building phone -864
Accuri I room Nr. 2.4.07 new building phone -853
Fortessa room Nr. 2.4.04 new building phone -864