Ortrud Mührer Travel Grants

The Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine awards Ortrud Mührer Travel Grants to scientists from low- and middle-income countries for the participation in scientific meetings or training programmes at BNITM. Grants are funded by the “Association of Friends of BNITM” (VdF) - a not-for-profit association - and will cover travel-related expenses.



  1.  Eligible are graduates, PhD students, and postdocs originating from and working in low- and middle-income countries (as defined by the UN/World Bank) who have successfully applied to attend a scientific meeting or training programme at BNITM.
  2. Repeated applications are possible but priority will be given to applicants with no successful previous applications. Re-applicants are requested to submit a new application form. 


  1. Successful applicants will receive up to € 2,000 for travel and accommodation costs to attend a scientific meeting or training programme at BNITM.  
  2. Expenses covered by the grant will be:
    • Economy airfare (to and from Hamburg)       
    • Visa fees  
    • Accommodation costs for the duration of the scientific programme (per diems cannot be granted)
    • Participation fees 
Eine Gruppe von 6 jungen Forschern, die als fröhliche Gruppe auf einer steinernden Treppe vor einem Antiken Gebäude stehen.
OMTG Grant holders from 2019.   ©BNITM


  1. Application 
    • Please download and fill in the electronic “Application Form for the Ortrud Muehrer-Travel Grant” and submit all documents requested in the form online to vdf@bnitm.de. 
    • Please indicate your successful application to attend a scientific meeting or training programme at BNITM by including reference to a ‘Letter of Acceptance’, signed by a BNITM programme coordinator.
  2. Application deadlines are 4 months prior to the start of the scientific meeting or training programme you have been accepted to attend.
  3. Selection process: The selection of successful applicants will be based on reviews of the application forms. These will, firstly, be examined by the programme coordinators to meet formal requirements and, secondly, reviewed by an external scientist and the BNITM Chairman of the Board for their contents. Upon final selection, confirmation letters will be sent to the successful candidates by the programme coordinators via email.
  4. Reimbursement
    • Payments on account are possible upon submission of a formal invoice.
    • Upon arrival at BNITM, please document all travel related costs on the "Reimbursement Form of the Ortrud Muehrer-Travel Grant” and submit all original receipts.
    • Applicants must state on the reimbursement form if they have successfully secured any additional funding for the expenses applied for through the Ortrud Muehrer-Travel Grant and delineate point-by-point the amounts received for the various expenses. In such cases, payments on account must possibly be repaid.
    • Reimbursement will take place at BNITM.
    • Please note that the maximum sum of reimbursement will be € 2,000; even if eligible, no expenses exceeding this amount can be reimbursed. 


If you have any questions regarding the application for an Ortrud Muehrer-Travel Grant, please do not hesitate to contact us.


If you have any questions regarding the application for an Ortrud Mührer Travel Grant, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Ulrike Kolander (VdF)

phone: +49 40 285380-402

email: vdf@bnitm.de