Improved diagnostics for schistosomiasis and epidemiology -SCHISDIMA

Diagnostic tools adapted for poor resources settings are often lacking, especially for diseases of poverty such as schistosomiasis. For this reason, schistosomiasis is often empirically diagnosed since to date no point of care strategy for its diagnosis has been implemented in endemic countries.  Since 2008, a point-of-care diagnostic test (POC-CCA) detecting Schistosoma derived circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) in urine is commercially available. The project SCHISDIMA (Improved diagnostics for schistosomiasis and epidemiology) aims at defining sensitivity and specificity of the POC-CCA in different epidemiological groups in Madagascar, where schistosomiasis is highly endemic and no data regarding the performances of the test are available.



University of Fianarantsoa, University of Antananarivo, Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Merieux (CICM), University of Leiden.

@BNITM Eva Lorenz - Anna Jäger


German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)


June 2018 - April 2021 -CLOSED

Ein technischer Assistent sitzt mit einer Patientin an einem kleinen Tisch und untersucht Probe. Die Patientin trägt ein Sommerkleid und einen großen Hut. Die Wand ist halbhoch in einem kräftigen Weinrot gestrichen.
SCHISDIMA project - The laboratory technician Tahiry performing the POC-CCA at the primary health care center of Ankazomborona (Madagascar).   ©Daniela Fusco

Laborgruppe Fusco

Daniela Fusco, Ph.D.: eine Forscherin vor dunklen roten Backstein Hintergrund, die ihre blonden schulterlangen Haar offen trägt.
Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology

PhD Daniela Fusco

phone: +49 40 285380-504


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