
  • The free registration must be completed by 30.09.2022 via the registration formular on this website.
  • You can anyways participate in the conference without an accepted abstract.
  • Malagasy health professionals and researchers are in particular invited to attend.
  • Travel funds available for attendants traveling from out of Antananarivo.
  • If you decide not to attend the conference after registering, please send an email to

Registration form

Submit an abstract? *
I confirm that I am traveling from out of Antananarivo to the conference and would hereby like to apply for a travel fund. *
[Translate to English:] Idyllic landscape in Madagascar
Madagascar landscape   ©BNITM l Jule Hameister

Key facts


Contact person

PhD Daniela Fusco

CCSM Manager

Phone : +49 40 285380-504

Email :