Team and Members
We draw upon a diverse and complementary skillset of individuals with backgrounds in epidemiology, public health, computer science, biostatistics, and economics. Unsolicited applications for PhD positions, BSc/MSc projects and internships are always welcome.

Head of Lab Group
Dr. Ralf Krumkamp, MSc:
Ralf Krumkamp studied Public Health and Epidemiology, and holds a DrPH from the University of Bremen. He is working on different infectious disease epidemiological topics, ranging from health system/service assessment, mathematical modelling of disease transmission and control, and analysis of observational data using modern epidemiological methods. Ralf Krumkamp is involved in various research projects, responsible for study planning, data analysis and data visualisation.
Eva Lorenz, Dipl.-Inform. med., PhD:
Eva Lorenz has a background in Medical Informatics and holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Heidelberg. Focus areas of her research are clustered designs, diagnostic test accuracy in absence of a perfect reference with prior experience in the development of statistical methods for model building focussing on exposure variables with excess zeros. She is author and maintainer of the Stata command ccrand, a covariate-constrained randomization routine for achieving baseline balance in cluster-randomized trials.
Data Management
Berchie Agyemang, Computer Science (BSc):
Berchie Agyemang is a computer science graduate. He mainly supports the project of the One Health Bacteriology Group in data managment tasks and implementing the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) at project sites located in Ghana.
Angelika Hensel, Dipl. Med. Inf.:
Angelika Hensel holds a degree in Medical Informatics from the University of Heidelberg. She works on the data management tasks of several studies, with a focus on programming for data cleaning and data processing.
Anna Jaeger, Med. Dok. (BSc):
Anna Jaeger studied Medical Information Management at the Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts. She is involved in study implementation, data capture and data processing of various research projects as well as maintaining the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) system used within the group.
Jenny Kettenbeil, Med. Dok. (BSc):
Jenny Kettenbeil studied Medical Information Management at the Hochschule Hannover - University of Applied Sciences and Arts. MySamples support, homepage maintanance as well as data base implementation and training of the study team in projects of the group are her tasks.
Wibke Loag, Dipl. Dok. (Biowissenschaften):
Wibke Loag has a diploma in Life Science Information Management from the University of Applied Science in Hannover. She is involved in the implementation, administration and completion of the epidemiological studies with regard to data management. She has compiled the components of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and accompanies the implementation in African study sites.
PhD Candidates
Solomon Wafula, MPH, MSc Epidemiology:
Solomon Wafula is a Ugandan PhD student in the department. He holds an MPH from the University of Manchester, a MSc Epidemiology degree from the University of Antwerp and a BSc in Environmental Health sciences from Makerere University. He also works as a research associate in the Department of Disease Control and Environmental Health at Makerere University, School of Public Health. His work focuses on investigating associations between environmental and socioeconomic inequalities and risk of Malaria and Neglected tropical diseases (Tungiasis, onchocerciasis and snakebite envenoming).
Lydia Rautman, MPH:
Lydia Rautman is an American PhD student with an MPH from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Her research background is in Public Health and infectious disease epidemiology with a focus on pulmonary tuberculosis. Her doctoral work focuses on the treatment of childhood febrile diseases in the context of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Lena Merkel MA History of Global Markets, MSc Development Economics:
Lena is pursuing her PhD in the interdisciplinary Leibniz research alliance INFECTIONS. Her research interest lies primarily in the topics of antimicrobial resistance, health-seeking behavior, and pharmaceutical markets. She uses a range of methods in her research including randomized controlled trials, lab-in-field experiments, and cross-country analysis.