Photo of the staff of BNITM in the institute's garden©BNITM
Press release

Successful evaluation

"Excellent", "outstanding", "very good": the Senate of the Leibniz Association has recommended that the federal and state governments continue to fund the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) for a further seven years. According to the evaluation commission, the institute is extremely successful in research, care and teaching in the field of infectious diseases and tropical medicine with a focus on Africa.

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Black and white logo of the VfD: On the right the building of the BNITM, around it the lettering "Freunde des Tropeninstituts Hamburg e.V.".©VdF

Doctoral prizes awarded

Structural biologist Dr Kristina Meier and physician Dr Michaela Raacke have submitted outstanding dissertations at the BNITM. The Association of Friends of the Tropical Institute (VdF) has honoured them with this year's doctoral prizes. They are endowed with 2,500 euros.

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The graphic shows the world map. Particularly affected areas near the equator are shown in dark red and red, India and North Africa in beige and the USA and large parts of Europe in light green: i.e. not affected.©DNTDs
New survey

Not enough funding for NTD research

Worm diseases, gangrenous stomatitis, snakebite envenoming, dengue and many more: neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are primarily poverty-related diseases. In the Kigali Declaration, Germany committed itself to contributing to their control through increased research, but is falling short of expectations. This is the result of a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the leadership of the BNITM.

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Graphical representation of the active centre in the TRANSCRIPTION-EARLY-ELONGATION structure. The residues of the L protein are marked and coloured according to the assigned domain (blue for the finger domain and coral red for the palm domain). The RNAs are shown as sticks and coloured as in A.©Harry M. Williams et al. 2024

Thieves unmasked

BNITM researchers observed a phenuivirus stealing RNA caps from the host - an essential step in hijacking the host's protein factory. This is important for the virus to successfully replicate in the infected host cells. The results have been published in the scientific journal Nucleic Acids Research.

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Fluoreszenzaufnahme zeigt den Malariaparasiten in einem vielkernigen Entwicklungsstadium, wie er rote Blutzellen befallen hat.Image credit: Immunity Cell Press | Hagadorn et al. 2024

Autoimmunity protects against malaria

Exciting new link between autoimmunity and malaria discovered, providing insight into the co-evolution of humans and malaria: BNITM researchers show that autoantibodies inhibit the growth of the malaria parasite and its invasion of red blood cells. The results were recently published in the journal Immunity.

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Colourful schematic of proteins in host cell cytosol uptake (HCCU)©2024 Sabitzki et al. | PlosBio

Looking at the proteins of malaria parasites

In the blood stage of a malaria infection, the parasites hijack red blood cells and digest their contents. A BNITM research team has gained fundamental molecular biological insights into this digestive process, both into the uptake and transport of these substances into the parasite's food vacuole. The results of the study have been published in the scientific journal PLOS Biology.

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The institute buildings in Hamburg harbour against a blue sky
Press releases

BNITM successfully evaluated by the Leibniz Association

The Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM) has received an excellent evaluation from the Leibniz Association. At its meeting…

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The photo shows, from left to right, one of the two award winners Dr Michaela Raacke, VdF Chairman Manfred Schüller and BNITM Chair Prof. Jürgen May.

Structural elucidation of nameless viruses and insights into immunological overreactions

This year's doctoral prizes from the Association of Friends of the Tropical Institute Hamburg e.V. (VdF) go to Dr Kristina Meier (Natural…

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Professional Events
19.03.2024 - 28.02.2025

Global-Partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats (GIBACHT)

GIBACHT is an educational programme established and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. The training programme focuses on…

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Professional Events
02.09.2024 - 06.09.2024

tropEd Global Health Summer School 2024

This is a 5-day online summer school on current issues in Global Health and tropEd.
Timetable: 9:30 - 11:00 am; 11:30 - 13:00 pm; 14:00 -…

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Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74
D-20359 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 285380-0
(Switchboard of the Institute)


Tel.: +49 40 285380-219
(for patients)


