
Research Highlights 06.10.2023

Transformable down to the smallest cell structures

Malaria parasites have many faces: in the course of their life cycle, they develop several different cell forms. But how this metamorphosis…

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Research Highlights 12.05.2023

Promising viral targets for a broad-spectrum virostatic agent

Die BMBF-Nachwuchsgruppe um Dr. Maria Rosenthal am Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin (BNITM) hat neue Erkenntnisse zu einem…

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Research Highlights 31.01.2023

First scientific study on snakebites in Malawi provides important epidemiological data

When it comes to snakebites, three things count: speed, well-trained medical staff and an effective antivenom. The first study on snakebite…

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